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How to protect yourself from cancer

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 When a person hears the word "cancer", realizing the full horror of the disease, all the same thinking that it is not affected. But the statistics and the relentless series of cancer patients are replenished throughout the world with frightening speed. Scientists can not unequivocally say that this or some other reason causing the disease, or cancer has not held a leadership position in a series of deadly diseases. Terrible thing is that cancer does not distinguish between age and pediatric oncology, along with an adult is a mountain in the most ordinary families and the most extraordinary people.
However, science does not stand still, and now definitely known that increases the chances of contracting. But why, then, subject to the same effect on us of harmful factors, some sick and others not at all uneasy?People affected by cancer, are sure to approach the prevention and treatment of cancer should be comprehensive, leveraging not only the body but the soul. Very often the cancer - a kind of "stop" signal, which requires stop and think about what is wrong with you. What is cancercancer appears as something alien living and occurring within a person and almost impenetrable from the outside. Is it really? From a medical point of view, cancer - is the process by which the body cells start to divide and grow abnormally, which ultimately leads to organ dysfunction, and then the body as a whole. The concept of "cancer" brings together more than 200 types of tumors. The disease begins to develop after damage to the cells carcinogens (agents that cause cancer). The founder of Russian oncology N. Petrov stated that the main causes of cancer are long-term irritation, chronic inflammation and disgarmonalnye disorder. As a rule, is the oncogenic effects of chemical, physical, radiation, or viruses. Under the influence of these factors, the cell changes its properties, and if this process is not stopped in time, it will turn into cancer. Cancer does not develop in a moment - it is always preceded by prolonged inflammation or adverse effects. It is proved that to achieve, for example, a tumor of the breast size of 1.5 cm in diameter is 5-10 years. It turns out that most of the cancer process initiated in adolescence or adolescence. That is our present way of life may well be decisive in choosing the answer to the question: "Do you Oncology Looming?" And despite the fact that the disease develops much later, prevention should begin on time. Why is it there by American scientists proved that the development Cancer is mainly influenced by diet (30-35% of all causes) and smoking (30-32%). Further there are viruses, production factors, heredity, environmental pollution, alcohol, radiation. About 5% of the causes of cancer remain unknown. That is, the majority of cancer cases caused by factors that change is quite a force to each of us. Especially since the development of disease is always preceded by a lengthy disease process, and this changes not only in a particular organ, but also in the body as a whole. Tumours can be beaten in the early stages, while they had not yet made ​​discord in the neighboring organs and systems. Strange but true: many cases, even advanced cancer can be stopped, if a man has won his own visit to a doctor. Some people fear that they will find oncology, and thus draw from the survey to the last, fearing to admit to themselves that their lives are threatened. Meanwhile, in the early stages of the disease can be cured, and finally and without recurrence in the future. Launched cancer leads to irreversible changes in the body and kills the man.Prevention - what is it? Oncologists are three types of cancer prevention.First, this change in diet and poor lifestyle, stopping smoking, reducing exposure to other harmful factors. Second, prevention involves treatment of precancerous diseases, severe inflammation, as well as early identification of clusters of cancer cells in the body. And thirdly, it is preventing the development of metastases in cancer patients, and the prevention of recurrence and new tumors in those who have been cured of cancer. All of this can really save a life! Your anticancer programEliminate junk food. Carcinogens found in many foods, particularly in fried in butter and fried foods, as well as conservation and marinades, long-term storage foods, smoking. Especially harmful protein products were subjected to prolonged heat treatment. Reduce consumption of fat, especially animal, and not to overeat - daily caloric intake should not exceed 2500 calories. Regularly arranged protein-free unloading days or observe fasts. Reduce consumption of alcohol to 1-2 drinks per day (a portion - a glass of dry wine or 0.33 liters of beer). With regard to water, use filtered or bottled water. Quit. Smokers develop lung cancer is 10 times more likely than non-smokers. In addition, they have ten times the risk of developing tumors of other organs: mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, and even cervical cancer. Please note: second-hand smoke just as harmful as active. Smoker who gave up the habit, over the next 15-20 years in tens times reduces the risk of death from diseases caused by nicotine. Scan for viruses. Viruses can cause about 10% of all cancers. For example, some strains of human papilloma virus trigger cervical cancer, hepatitis B and C in some cases, cause liver cancer.From the moment of infection until the development of cancer can take years, but if you are the bearer of the oncogenic virus, you need to know about it - in order to regularly monitor their health and not leave any chance of the disease. Strengthen the immune system. If you're sick too often, colds, talk to the immunologist. Try to live a healthy lifestyle, good rest, do not peretruzhdatsya. Be physically active - exercise is recommended for at least three times a week for 30-40 minutes. Cancer risk reduced regular baths, douches, dousing with cold water, and other curative measures, and tempering. inherit attention. If you have moles that are constantly irritated by clothing or a chain around his neck, increasing in size or change color, be sure to consult a doctor. Timely removal of moles decreases the risk of developing skin cancer. At regular intervals, immediately after the end of menstruation, breast self-examination conductivity, palpating them in the direction from the periphery to the center. If you anything alarming in the form and color, as well as a form of cancer, or you felt for some seals, show a gynecologist. There you'll be able to take swabs from the mucosa of the cervix for cytologic screening for changes in its cells - in order to prevent the development of cancer. Receive regular chest x-rays, and after 45 years of age and mammography. Look for the main reason! famous spiritual teacher Osho says that the cancer - is suppressed in human disease. After all, we're used to, just a little headache, just push the pain pills. What can we say about the more serious diseases - we eat and drink a lot of drugs, but to get to get in shape. But drugs are not being natural, natural to man, not selectively affect - they affect the entire body. And get used constantly to suppress any painful reaction, the body rebels - cell growth becomes uncontrolled, and there are cancer. But in primitive society did not have cancer, because the man had no need as quickly as possible to suppress their disease kilograms of chemicals.Osho calls the all-out attack cancer - when all the "healed" disease gather together in a sort of an army and attack the person. Disease - the body is screaming for help, and should not overwhelm it, and find out exactly why this happens. If not to seek the causes, the accumulated energy will lead to a unique explosion. What should be alerted - unusual discharge or bleeding from the nose, mouth, rectum or vagina, as well as discoloration of urine and the presence in her blood - thickening, knots and bumps in the breast gland, the strange appearance of the breast skin (like a baked apple) - a long time does not pass a cough, especially the morning; - enduring the unpleasant sensation of a lump in the throat that makes swallowing; - long-term healing wounds or sores on the skin and mucous membranes; - changes in species , color and shape of moles and birthmarks; - unusual pain of internal organs and other violations of well-being. If you have found such changes as soon as possible see your doctor. In most cases, suspicious symptoms do not indicate cancer.But remember that any disease is always easier to prevent than to cure.banishing negativity! Most psychologists believe that oncology - a consequence of the accumulation of negative energy. Negative energy is driven to deep inside, can not be implemented at the physical level - body and soul are intimately linked. The famous American psychologist Louise Hay at one time managed by changing their thinking and way of life, get rid of vaginal cancer, which has arisen, in her opinion, because of injuries to women in general. Main bet she did on getting rid of all negative emotions, the forgiveness of all those who at first seems impossible to forgive. Products against cancer every day you should eat at least 5 servings of fruits, vegetables, juices and other plant foods containing fiber. Useful green, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, berries, fruits, seafood, onion and garlic. Add to your daily diet of bread, wholemeal (or rye grain) and corn porridge. Drink green tea. Very useful nuts. Anticarcinogenic properties are oily fish and red wine in moderation.

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