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How to get rid of a cold on the lips

http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/articles/health_tools/cold_sores_slideshow/photolibrary_rf_photo_of_woman_touching_lip.jpgCold on the lips (herpes) - a very common occurrence. From herpes no one is safe because its a virus lives in the body of each and every person. However, it appears, people with weakened immune systems.
What is the "appearance" of herpes? He appears in the form of unsightly bubbles in the eyes or face. Of course, such a cold on the lips, not decorated. And the feel of a nice little: burning, pain, itching. I am glad only that this can be a nuisance to fight.
How to get rid of a cold on the lips? What is the remedy for colds at bay? How to treat and cure a cold fast? People and other means.
We offer you tools to help you get rid of colds trouble right at home. Treatment of cold on the lip.

If, in your home medicine cabinet, there valokordin - you can assume that, from herpes, you are partially saved. Moisten valokordin painful places and just wait for the result.
Fold into a cone half - a white sheet (uncoated) paper. Cone put on a clean dish (ground up). Dish with a cone should be dipped in a bath or sink. You surely now will be very surprised. The fact that the newly cone you have to burn: Bring the cigarette lighter or match to the apex of the cone, and when he half-burned - Overturn it to sink. In the bowl you will see a golden balsam (gum resin). It is necessary to quickly lubricate the affected parts of the skin. By the way, herpes can not develop if the procedure done at the very, very beginning of its manifestation.
Trim and clean (boiled water), a branch of raspberries. Cut it into small pieces and chew, until then, until you feel that it turned into a mushy state. This pulp and apply to those places in which "rules" herpes.
Take out of the ears, a little - a little sulfur, and rub it into the sore spots. It suffices to do this procedure three times, so that the disease has receded.
Prepare three carrots, a bunch of parsley and apple. Squeeze juice of beet tops. This structure, in small sips, drink during the day.
It is well to pine sap: they lubricate sore spots two or three times a day.
Mash the fruit of Viburnum. 20 grams of fruit (mashed, of course) pour a glass of water. Steep 15 - Twenty minutes, then cool and strain.
But aloe can be used as a medicinal drink (it should take one tsp. Spoonful before meals), and as a bandage.
If cold sores, just - just let them know about yourself - help deodorant - deodorant. Herpes blisters may appear, but in small quantities. If you select a tool, remember that they have to smear the lip on a regular basis, preventing dryness in the area of ​​herpes sores.
There is a tool that you can cook with coffee and yogurt. Just take yogurt (0, 5 cups), stir in it one teaspoon of coffee (instant). In this "coffee - yogurt" drink add two garlic cloves (chopped), one table. a spoonful of corn flour and one table. a spoonful of honey. It's all exciting mix and brush your location. The procedure should be repeated as soon as the mixture dries and fall off.
5 grams of sage leaf pour a glass of boiling water. Steep for 20 minutes. Further, the pressure to cool, strain. Infusion, which you have turned out, rinse mouth and lubricate the painful place.
Attach to the rash of herpes, sliced ​​onion. After - cut the new (new layer) and the same again, apply.
Lubricate herpes, fir oil, three times a day.
Try the infusion of birch buds. 25 g of birch buds to pour a glass of alcohol (70 percent). Let sit in a dark place. Two weeks later, when the extract will be completely ready, strain it and rub them your sore spots.
Walnuts (to be collected on the date to 24 June), scroll down to the meat grinder. Add the honey. Zakuporte mixture in the bottle and store in a cool, dark place (one month). The mixture, do not forget to regularly shaken. In the first few days of treatment, take a miracle - a mixture of one teaspoon. spoon (to receive three times a day), take before meals.
In the very early stages of herpes, you can use regular toothpaste, greasing it has affected parts of the body.
Drink wormwood (white) as a tea.
Lubricate the lemon juice to places where there is itching and tingling. Lemon juice helps the disappearance of vesicles of herpes.
The crushed chrysanthemum flowers (one teaspoon), pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for forty minutes. Drink this infusion three - four times a day (a quarter cup).
Help with herpes, even an ordinary black tea. Brewed tea bag, let it cool down (approximately body temperature). Apply the bag, to the places of destruction for 20 min., The day of applying three times.
Try to lubricate, sore spots, oil Kalgan (erect cinquefoil), 3 times a day. The same procedure can be done using an apple or garlic.
Take the celandine, a cup of sunflower oil and 50 grams of wax (beeswax). Cut the celandine and put it in a pan with butter (along with the root). Wait until the butter and boil celandine. Remove the contents from the fire. In two weeks, put what happened in a very cool place. When the composition of tincture is ready, strain it through cheesecloth and squeeze it. Heat the oil (in a saucepan), add the shredded wax. Back strain. Ointment bude ready as soon as cool.
Sunflower petals scalded in boiling water. Apply them to warm lips. After - they brew as tea, and drink.
You can powder the skin around the lips, baby powder. It should not contain any - or additives, including flavor.
Make the honey ointment: Take one spoonful of ash (dining room), three cloves of garlic and one hundred grams of honey. Mix these ingredients and get the ointment.
Kalanchoe juice - great tool. It is used by analogy with the juice of the aloe.
If your lips are chilled by hypothermia, you will be very helpful, even common salt (sodium chloride). Apply (a couple of times a day), a small pinch of salt to a cold areas of the skin and let it be.
Need to squeeze the juice from the petals of marigold (juice must be fresh). One table. a spoonful of mash and mix the juice with one tablespoon of Vaseline.
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