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Lack of sleep is dangerous

Lack of sleep is dangerous
Constant sleep deprivation can lead to obesity, contribute to the development of diabetes or hypertension.
New studies show conclusively that the health consequences of chronic sleep deprivation may be more serious than a small distraction, a weakening of intelligence, irritability or drowsiness. As discovered by researchers from the University of Chicago, the constant lack of sleep can lead to obesity, contribute to the development of diabetes or hypertension.
The study, undertaken at the initiative and with financial support from the MacArthur Foundation, Dr. Kathryn Spiegel, Dr. Yves Van Kotera and Rachel Leprul found that sleep deprivation is a week-long, three or four hours a night and a very negative impact, even in young healthy people: their the body begins to cope with the worst digestion and assimilation of carbohydrates and less tolerate stress. They appear deviations from the normal hormonal balance and weakens the immune system protects the body against infections, Radio Liberty.
In most previous studies the main attention was paid to disorders associated with short-term sleep deprivation. Volunteers were forced to stay awake for 24-48 hours, and then studied the effect of waking on such mental parameters such as reaction time, mood, and so on, who really deteriorated from lack of sleep. The same new study in question, Dr. van Kotera and her colleagues looked, for example, physiological effect of shortening the daily sleep up to 4 hours for 6 consecutive nights.
We found - said Dr. van Kotera in an interview - that the relatively prolonged sleep deprivation is much harder responds to health than the forced wakefulness during only one or two nights. The accumulated sleep debt is potentially less damaging than the lack of food or a sedentary lifestyle. The negative effect of it can be compared to smoking. People are sleeping less and less as a result become more and more tired. Let them carry out their regular physical control, well-fed, consume the necessary vitamins, but it all goes down the drain if they sleep only 5 hours a day.
Numerous studies have firmly established that the average adult requires 8-9 hours of sleep a night, but the typical American sleeps no more than 7:00, and even less, and never makes up for its deficit. However, we must recognize that the need for sleep is individual and can vary somewhat, but it loses most of its rules. People do not usually fall until midnight, and at 4.30, 5 - already stand at a signal tone. Therefore, they fall asleep on the way to work in theaters, movies, and sometimes even behind the wheel. They are asleep at business meetings and a computer screen.
As found Dr. Van Kotera and its employees, is a systematic lack of sleep causes abrupt changes in metabolic and endocrine function, similar to the effect of aging. The researchers conducted a careful observation of 11 healthy young men aged 18 to 27 years. These men for 16 consecutive nights sleeping in the clinical laboratory, and during all this time, the duration of their sleep was recorded accurately: the first three nights they were given to sleep at 8:00, then 6 nights at 4:00. Sleep during the day they were given.
Multiple blood and saliva have enabled researchers to trace changes in the metabolism of hormonal functions in sleep deprivation. First of all, the ability to rapidly deteriorating subjects absorb glucose, a result of its content in the blood began to rise, forcing the body to produce more insulin, which ultimately can lead to an increase in insulin resistance, a typical sign of the so-called adult diabetes or diabetes type . Excess insulin also contributes to the accumulation of fat, increasing the risk of obesity and high blood pressure.
It is known that the brain is able to extract energy from glucose without insulin, but after a lack of sleep and he started to work less efficiently. As a result, the functioning of certain brain areas disturbed that the probable cause of alleviation of critical thinking, memory and intelligence with sleep deprivation.
Next, the researchers also found that the concentration of cortisol in the blood, serves as a measure of stress levels, lack of sleep during the afternoon and evening increased. This increase in cortisol levels typical of human aging and is associated with increased insulin resistance and memory impairment. Lack of sleep is also altered the levels of thyroid hormone, but the consequences of this are still unclear. But the weakening of the immune system during sleep deprivation was apparent, manifested, for example, the weakening of the reaction of subjects to the influenza vaccine.
The next stage of Chicago researchers say experiments with the sleep deprivation on women and the elderly. According to Dr. Van Kotera, the elderly sleep deprivation should affect more strongly as time coinciding with the most effective phase of deep sleep, with age, falling sharply. In the case of young people from 20 to 25 years, accounting for about 100 minutes, for people in middle age, he already does not exceed 20 minutes. The young men slept easily after sleep deprivation, the elderly as it is much harder to compensate.
In short - said Dr. van Kotera - sleep should not be neglected, if you want to stay healthy. If you have not been systematically fill up - go to sleep for an hour or two earlier. Typically, most nedosypayut students who go at midnight and get up at 6 am and come to school sleepy like a zombie.
Research Dr. David Dinzhesa University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, showed that after two weeks of chronic sleep deprivation, many people begin to argue that they have adapted to the new regime, and that they now sleep less, but do not feel any drowsiness. Testing, however, shows that this is not so in reality they experience fatigue and worse performing control tasks on the intelligence and responsiveness.
Apparently, the subjective and objective sleepiness feeling disagree - concludes Dr. van Kotera, among our subjects no one has adapted to the lack of sleep. A common view is that, saving time for sleep - much in time, completely false.Testing shows that nedosypayuschie do everything slowly.

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