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Examining The Health Benefits of Drinking Water

If you're still wondering just how important water is, try holding your breath for 5 minutes. Water is as important as the very air that you breathe. Water covers the most of the earth's surface as compared to dry land and forms most of the human body. That should also give you a clearer perspective as t exactly how important water is. So the question in your mind shouldn't be if to drink water but how much you should drink it. So exactly how important is water and what is all the fuss about?
Your body is like a powerful machine, the more it works the more heat it generates. That's the reason why even your PC needs a fan to cool it. Imagine what would happen if the heat was to build up without a cooling system in place. Let's just say that it's one of the ways that this is one way of creating a huge explosion. Your body has its very own cooling system; it uses water. Sweating is the body's own way splashing water onto its surface to cool it down. When you sweat, the sweat quickly evaporates depending on the environmental conditions thus creating a cooling effect. Ever wondered why you fan yourself when it's hot, well now you know. Bodybuilders who are always lifting stuff and running here and there loose a tremendous amount of water through sweating. The metabolism of bodybuilders is generally higher than that of non-bodybuilders. This means that they will use up a lot of water in cooling down their bodies so that the body's metabolic processes can take place in optimal temperature. This means that they are more susceptible to dehydration and the traditional 8 glasses of water simply won't cut it for them. Metabolism also releases a lot of heat.
Water is the body's main waste excretion medium. This means that almost all of your waste products are removed from the body b the use of water. Did you know that tears also help remove some unwanted products from your body? Urine, solid waste excretion and sweating are all ways through which the body uses water to remove any unwanted substances from the body.
Most of what forms your blood is water. Blood as I'm sure you know is the body's main transport system. Blood transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones and anything else required by your cells. Your body needs oxygen for the release of energy and protein for the manufacture of new muscle tissues. Dehydration will therefore hinder both energy production and muscle growth; two of the main pillars of bodybuilding. Besides the transportation of proteins, water is also required for the folding of proteins. The lower the viscosity of your body fluids the better your proteins function and water is in charge of the viscosity of your body fluids.
Finally, water is known to improve the health of your skin. It is nature's own secret ingredient to soft, smooth, clear and supple skin. As much as your muscles will leave a lasting impression, imagine what muscles and glowing skin will do.
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