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How Can I Get Rid Of Belly Fat - 3 Easy Things To Help

Getting rid of belly fat that we carry around is something that everyone thinks about. How to get rid of it? The time honored way is to diet and exercise like crazy. In fact, diet and exercise is still necessary to lose overall body fat, but there are some things you can do that will help reduce the belly fat you are carrying around.
The old way of thinking was to do lots of cardio exercises, count your calories, and have some control over what you eat. But think about this, if you can relax, live a little and enjoy what you eat, you are more likely to stick to your diet plan. If your diet plan allows you some indulgences like enjoying a glass of wine and eating some carbs, you might have to spend less time at the gym to get the results you want. A stronger, healthier and sexier body with a lean mid-section.
Learning how to get rid of the bulge around our middle is the first step toward fitting into those skinny jeans, or losing a dress size. It is absolutely necessary if you want to get that lean looking, strong and healthy body with a flat stomach.
These 3 easy gut busting strategies that will help you melt away the pounds so that you can say goodbye to belly fat for good.
1. Enjoy That Glass of Wine with Your Dinner
It has been known for a long time that drinking a little alcohol will not give you a beer belly. Research by the Harvard School of Public Health has indicated that you might even experience the opposite effect and cause your body to store less belly fat. A recent study found that women who drank one to two servings of alcohol a day, regardless of type, gained less weight and were less likely to become overweight compared to their non-drinking friends.
A word of caution though, you're not going to lose weight drinking and this effect may be caused by a combination of other factors. Consider this, women tend to eat less when they drink, and since the body does a poor job of breaking down alcohol, it could burn a few more calories while it is trying to. Men, on the other hand, tend to eat more when they are tossing back a beer with their meal.
Like with a lot of other things in life, moderation with alcohol is the key to benefits. The weight loss effects of light drinking probably will not happen if you over do it.
2. Stop Avoiding Dairy Products
Dairy products, especially milk and cheese has gotten a bad rap for being fatty and most people will keep them out of their diet. But, eating yogurt, drinking milk and having your cheese too, may help you lose that stubborn blob around your middle. A study on obesity recently found that people on a reduced-calorie diet who ate about 3 cups of yogurt a day for 12 weeks lost more weight than those who cut calories and calcium pill supplements. People who ate yogurt lost about an inch and a half from their waists, while the calcium pill poppers lost less than a quarter of an inch. That is not surprising, three cups of yogurt every day will fill you up for a long time and you will eat less.
According to a professor of nutrition and medicine and director of the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the loss of belly fat could be explained because fat cells make their own cortisol. Under some stressful conditions, cortisol can provide the body with protein for energy but it can also move fat from storage areas and relocate it to fat cell deposits deep in the abdomen and cause that unsightly bulge under your clothes. Studies have shown that stress-induced cortisol secretion is consistently greater among women with centralized fat. The professor also stated that there are components in milk and yogurt, such as calcium, that interrupt that cycle, reducing the drive to store more fat in the belly.
3. Eat More Carbohydrates (But Choose Them Wisely)
The all-Atkins diet places a lot of emphasis on eating carbs, but studies have shown that you don't have follow an all-Atkins to lose your belly fat. Eating the right carbs might actually help you lose weight without feeling hungry. A 2009 Journal of Nutrition study found that people who a lot of whole grain products (such as dark bread, brown rice, unsalted and unbuttered popcorn and cereal fiber) tended to have less overall body fat than those who ate less of the stuff. Less overall body fat equals less belly fat
Another benefit of whole grain foods is that it may make your feel full and help you cut back on other foods. Considering that whole grain foods are loaded with fiber, which adds bulk to your meals without adding calories, and are harder to digest, you will feel fuller, longer and will eat less.
Making ourselves look better, with a leaner, stronger, and healthier body is a goal that many of us have and getting rid of the middle age bulge is one of the first things we want to do. Exercise and a diet, such as an anabolic diet, rich in protein with a reasonable amount of carbs is an absolute must. Find out how this amazing diet that has been around for decades can help you reach your weight loss goal by going to weight loss diet tips 101 now.
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