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Yes, we women, for the most tormented complexes. We consider ourselves to be ugly, too thin, too fat, so he can keep the conversation going ... men everything else - from the side seems to have no complexes, and they do not suffer, but in the fact that the issue was much deeper and more serious! Only an infinite number of foreign men from women's programs, the complex and only one - sexy, for example, men are afraid (yes, I'm not afraid of the word itself!) Is a very beautiful woman and self-sustaining. Subconsciously, they prefer less attractive to women, because they believe that this will be true to his fiancee. They go from being beaten by the men of his solvency and then vsyuzhizn kicking themselves ... We are still women in such a situation, except to the extent possible, to praise the man. In the heart, and he considers himself better, and if we play together in this - is for you, regardless of your beauty! Another group of any man - or emerging already balding and fairly wide. It is associated with a bald man's visit beauty salons, shampooed and end once and for intermediaries. At this moment a man begins to believe that along with Reden hair dies and his sexual function - and frantic attempts to start the process of hair transplantation and even wigs for women that is the most disgusting! You just convince him that bald head (Incidentally, this is related to the recent fashion for shaving the head of movie stars!) Is the main feature of the sexual life of the male! The boy said that he always any - the breadwinner in the future. But life evolves differently, all the ups and downs - and if suddenly a man, for whatever reason, to put it mildly, are not rich, and can evolve in a terrible poverty is complex. And if a man is unable to arrange a holiday in the Maldives or buy wife sable fur coat, it can be converted into a grim enemy of human and scandalous. But here, only you can help him! Even if your income is much higher than it was genuinely enjoy each gift and never - do you hear, never! Do not reproach meager income. Only in this case, you can expect that the pair is still collecting and rise in life. But the worst complex male - the size of his penis. Boys "confrontation" These parts of the body, and with my childhood in the bathroom and one man living - if my penis is smaller than the other, then I'm the worst of them! But any woman would say, rather than the words of the film - it does not matter the size! Size is not important - important technology and, of course, mutual love. But if the man was still tormented by this complex, even up to a respectable age, this problem, too, can help. Even now, there are special devices http://www.andromedical.com.ua/pills.php complexes of exercises that are part of a program to restore the health of the man. However, the use of these tools better after prior consultation with the doctor, pay attention! For women the most important thing - to understand that any compound overcome male and unobtrusively help his companion to leave with their systems.

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